Macbook pro desktop wallpaper icons
Macbook pro desktop wallpaper icons

macbook pro desktop wallpaper icons

Click Stack By and select how you want to organize desktop icons. Use stacks.Ĭtrl+click the desktop and select Show View Options. Because of the way it stacks icons, there appears to be far fewer icons on the desktop than there really is and consequently, the desktop is simpler, clearer and less cluttered. Stacks is an interesting feature of macOS that combines several icons into one – a sort of stack of icons. Enable it if you find it useful, but the downside is that it adds to the desktop clutter by adding extra text that may not be useful. Show item info: This adds extra information to the icon label and images for example, show the pixel dimensions. Try different text sizes and see which is best for you. Small text means long filenames are visible, but larger text is easier to read. Label position: The label position (filename) can be displayed at the bottom or on the right side of the icon on the desktop and the text size can be selected. Large icons combined with the Show icon preview option at the bottom, make it easy to see the contents of files like photos, Pages documents and so on. It’s best to reduce the number of desktop items, not increase them.

macbook pro desktop wallpaper icons

Small icons enable more to fit on the desktop, which is probably a bad thing as it leads to chaos. Icon size: Use the Icon size slider to set the size of icons.

Macbook pro desktop wallpaper icons